A simple water pump can be made using a straw shaped into a triangle and cut open at the vertices. When such a triangle is partially immersed in water with one of its vertices and rotated around its vertical axis, water may flow up through the straw. Investigate how the geometry and other relevant parameters affect the pumping speed.
Referenz einreichen
- Vorführexperimente, Videos
Centrifugal Straw Sprinkler Experiment - How to make a sprinkler with a straw
another demonstration video with short explanation
- Bücher
Prüfungstrainer Strömungsmechanik
Seite 213
Klausuraufgabe mit vollständiger Lösung zu sehr ähnlichem Problem - Online-Ressourcen
Pumping Straw - a centrifugal pump
instruction, video and explanation of the pumping straw
The drinking straw pump
short demonstration and explanation of the straw pump